

of Peter Degraaf

Peter Degraaf currently resides in Sarnia, ON. Canada with his wife Carol. He is an avid reader and studies business trends on a daily basis. He has mastered the art of 'Technical Analysis' , which is a vital part of successful investing.

His articles have been published by Gold-Eagle.com; Kitco.com; GoldSeek.com; SilverSeek.com; Freebuck.com; FinancialSense.com; MarketOracle.com; www.bullioncoinsandbars.com; 321Gold.com; 321Energy.com; SilverAxis.com; GoldStockBull.com; Traders-Journal.com; Investors Digest of Canada and Canadian Coin News. He is currently listed in Montclair's -Who's who in Business.

Born in the Netherlands in 1935, he moved with his family to Canada in 1952. He joined the Royal Canadian Navy in 1954, and while in the service, started a coin collection. Soon he began to 'wheel and deal'. Upon his discharge from the Navy in 1959, he turned his hobby into a full-time coin business. During his many years in the coin business, he traveled all over Canada, Europe and the USA, including a booth at the 1964 World's Fair.

While living in Ottawa, during the great gold bull market of the 1970's, his company owned and operated four coin stores in that city, and he became president of the Ottawa Coin and Stamp Dealer's Association. For a number of years he was a contributor to the Charlton Catalogue of Canadian Coins.

In 2001 he semi-retired from the daily routine of buying and selling coins, to trading stocks on-line, and writing articles on investing.

For over 50 years, from the days when gold was trading at $35/oz, Peter has recommended that gold should be included in every investment portfolio. And until the world returns to the gold standard he will continue to recommend it!

His hobbies are: cycling, writing articles and studying the Bible for spiritual growth.

Instead of physical gold and silver, Peter recommends investing in gold trusts such as PHYS.to, MNT.to, and silver trusts such as PSLV.to, MNS.to, CEF (CEF.TO) (a safer way to participate in the current bull market!).

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